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No.28 [SPAM] For your own safety, I highly recommend reading this email

I'm contacting you regarding an urgent matter that demands your immediate attention.
You have an opportunity to address this situation, but prompt action is essential.

I have installed advanced spyware, referred to as Candid, on your devices.
This spyware gives me full access to all your online activities-your webcam, messages, emails, and call logs! Compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows, I've been monitoring you for months. Find out how!

Over this period, I've captured several images and videos of you involved in explicit activities. Given the sensitive nature of these recordings, it's understandable that you wouldn't want them shared with friends, family, or colleagues.

Here's what you can expect if you choose not to comply: I will share these pics and videos with everyone in your contact list via WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, email, etc.
This exposure could have serious repercussions for both your personal and professional life.
To avoid this, you need to tak...

25/01/18 7:17 編集
No.27 [SPAM] RE
I am a hаckеr who has аccess to your operating system.
I also have full аccess to your account.

I've been wаtching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malwаre through an аdult site that you visited.

If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojаn Virus gives me full аccess and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

I also have аccess to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

Why your аntivirus did not detect mаlwаre?

Answеr: My mаlwаre uses the driver, I update its signatures every 5 hours so that your аntivirus is silent.

I made a vidеo showing how you sаtisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this vidеo to all your emаils and contacts on social networks.
I can als...

25/01/07 19:05 編集
No.26 [SPAM] Information

Hello!I am a hac ker who has access to your ope rating system.I also have full access to your account.I've been watching you for a few months now.The fact is that you were infe cted with= mal ware through an adu lt site that you visited.If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.Tr ojan Viru s gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about= it.I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.Why your antiv irus did not detect mal ware?Answer: My mal ware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your anti virus is silent.I made a video showing how you sati sfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.I can also post access to all your e-mail co...

24/12/17 21:05 編集
No.25 [SPAM] For your own safety, I highly recommend reading this email

I'm contacting you regarding an urgent matter that demands your immediate attention.
You have an opportunity to address this situation, but prompt action is essential.

I have installed advanced spyware, referred to as Candid, on your devices.
This spyware gives me full access to all your online activities-your webcam, messages, emails, and call logs! Compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows, I've been monitoring you for months. Find out how!

Over this period, I've captured several images and videos of you involved in explicit activities. Given the sensitive nature of these recordings, it's understandable that you wouldn't want them shared with friends, family, or colleagues.

Here's what you can expect if you choose not to comply: I will share these pics and videos with everyone in your contact list via WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, email, etc.
This exposure could have serious repercussions for both your personal and professional life.
To avoid this, you need to tak...

24/12/06 17:15 編集
No.24 [SPAM] Re

Hello!I am a hac ker who has access to your ope rating system.I also have full access to your account.I've been watching you for a few months now.The fact is that you were infe cted with= mal ware through an adu lt site that you visited.If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.Tr ojan Viru s gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about= it.I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.Why your antiv irus did not detect mal ware?Answer: My mal ware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your anti virus is silent.I made a video showing how you sati sfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.I can also post access to all your e-mail co...

24/10/21 8:38 編集
No.23 [SPAM] Letter for you

Hello!I am a hac ker who has access to your ope rating system.I also have full access to your account.I've been watching you for a few months now.The fact is that you were infe cted with= mal ware through an adu lt site that you visited.If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.Tr ojan Viru s gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about= it.I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.Why your antiv irus did not detect mal ware?Answer: My mal ware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your anti virus is silent.I made a video showing how you sati sfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.I can also post access to all your e-mail co...

24/10/04 20:06 編集
No.22 [SPAM] Re
I am a hаckеr who has аccess to your operating system.
I also have full аccess to your account.

I've been wаtching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malwаre through an аdult site that you visited.

If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojаn Virus gives me full аccess and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

I also have аccess to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

Why your аntivirus did not detect mаlwаre?

Answеr: My mаlwаre uses the driver, I update its signatures every 5 hours so that your аntivirus is silent.

I made a vidеo showing how you sаtisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this vidеo to all your emаils and contacts on social networks.
I can als...

24/09/25 17:45 編集
No.21 [SPAM] New transfer

24/09/04 17:21 編集
No.20 [SPAM] Dating

Are you alone? Ok, you need dating site, register to this link 

Dating site
Your collegue Alex

24/08/30 2:37 編集
No.19 [SPAM] You win

You win $584 USD
Click here= for details
AlterEgo Co. USA, John Human

24/08/29 9:51 編集
No.18 [SPAM] Sex with you was perfect

Sex with you was perfect if you doesn't remember me, it is my photos (nude! don't see it on work your penis will be strong)

Photos on iCloud

24/08/28 0:13 編集
No.17 [SPAM] Answer from Alex

Get FREE B'tcoin
Alex Midnight
Freedom company LTD

24/08/27 20:49 編集
No.16 [SPAM] Your bonus

Click here for details

24/08/22 15:39 編集
No.15 [SPAM] miss you...

Hello, we’ve been corresponding for a long time, you’ve probably forgotten me... I’ll remind you with a link to my profile on the Internet -

My social profile

24/08/21 13:33 編集
No.14 [SPAM] Re: reward

You have previously participated in Bitcoin mining (more than 3 years ago).
We have not forgotten about you and are ready to transfer yours to you. To receive your reward, follow the link below
Receive your reward now
John River
BTC Mining Cloud Co.

24/08/21 3:46 編集